Sunday, July 7, 2013

An Inconvenient Truth

I honestly was bothered by this movie because Al Gore's voice is so annoying, but it is an ok overview of the important points of global warming. I honestly think it was more of a publicity movie to broadcast Al Gore and how "nice and altruistic and caring" he is, but a politician is a politician.

Answer these questions on your blog DUE Day 3- July 8th Before Class
An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Based on the video; please answer the questions below in thoughtful and complete sentences.
1.     What image started the modern day environmental movement?
The image of the earth is what helped people visualize what it would be like to ruin their only home. It was the first time people felt a strong connection to their home planet upon seeing a visual of it.

2.     What is considered the most vulnerable part of the earth system?
The atmosphere is the most vulnerable because it is extremely thin.

3.     Relatively speaking, compared to the earth, how thick is the atmosphere?
The atmosphere is extremely thin, it is made of two layers, the hemisphere and the stratisphere, combined only about a mile thick.

4.     How can trapping infrared radiation by the earth’s atmosphere be a GOOD thing?
The atmosphere it heats the earth where it needs to be heated, making the earth liveable and pleasant.

5.     How can trapping infrared radiation by the earth’s atmosphere be a BAD thing?
When the rays cannot leave, they stay and heat the parts of the earth that are not supposed to be heated. This starts a chain reaction that offsets the delicate balance of certain ecosystems.

6.      What percentage of people depend on glacial melt for their drinking water?
a.     About 40 % depend on glacial melt for drinking water. This is important because when the glaciers cease to exist, these people will experience drinking water shortages.

7.     Why is studying ice cores important?
The ice cores are  like the rings of a tree. Each layer can tell how much co2 was absorbed by the ice in that year. From this combined info over years, scientists can infer if and how co2 levels are rising and how the ice will be affected.

8.     What is the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) and atmospheric temperature?
Co2 traps rays causing atmospheric temperature to increase. This results in global warming.
9.     Over what time period have the hottest 10 years on earth occurred?
The last 14 years before 2006. This is in our lifetime that the earth has experienced the greatest amount of damage. This is why there are many theories saying that we need to take action against pollution and climate change to keep our planet liveable and healthy.

10.  As the water temperature under a hurricane increases, what happens to the wind velocity of the
            Wind velocity increases as well as precipitation. This explains how with global warming, we see the rate and severity of natural disasters increase as well.

11.  What has happened to Lake Chad over the years?
It has dried up over the years.

12.  How much of the suns radiation gets reflected by ice?
a.     90% so when the ice is gone, this radiation will also be trapped in the worlds atmosphere and the effects of global warming will be accelerated.

13.  What redistributes energy from the equator to the north and south poles?
a.     Ocean and wind currents redistribute energy from the equator to the north and south poles. Because we are releasing energy in the form of pollutants such as co2, this energy will be redistributed through ocean and wind currents, making them un naturally powerful, and natural disasters more harmful.

14.   If the ice sheets of Western Antarctica were to melt, approximately how much would sea level
            The melted ice sheets would  cause the water to rise 20 feet. Ecosystems would be drastically changed.
15.  List the three factors causing the collision between civilization and earth
a.     Food needs, growth in population, economic situation
1. civilization is expanding always
2. surging economy needs, coal reserved, scientific and tech revolution
old habits plus new technology
our economic situation is a problem because the more we focus on money and cutting corners, the less we take the time and the precautions to protect the environment.  the same is true for the food situation.
16. Approximately, what percentages of global carbon dioxide emissions come from forest fires?
30% this is relatively low. I dont know whether this really is a factor because forest fires occur naturally. If gore really could prove that forest fires are started because of the co2 already in the atmosphere, then i could say it was a factor.

17. What country is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere?
China/ Usa. China is one of the largest  co2 emission contributors because of the large population and the  amount of people with cars.

18. Which country has the lowest government standards for gas mileage of automobiles?
USA. This is not surprising to me because we have gotten in the habit of making way for large businesses and will lax our environmental standards with their coaxing just to get people to drive more and buy more cars.

19. Which two nations have not signed onto the Kyoto Protocol?
USA, Australia. This is really surprising to me because it shows that these two countries value business over protecting the world from global warming. 

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