Saturday, July 27, 2013


Although the landfill visit was a pain, I thought it presented a fairly innovative solution to waste management, as well as energy creation. I was surprised that the first landfill we went to did not generate energy. This made me think about its purpose, and whether that land had been used appropriately. This landfill technology also raised a lot of questions for me: how much energy is taken to operate the plant compared to how much is produced? Why is there such a strong methane smell, and could this indicate that the methane capture system is not efficient? What dangers does working around methane pose to the workers? How much energy will be generated, and what will happen to the plant when it has reached its energy generating capacity? can it become usable land or will it have to be sectioned off? 
The coolest landfill i visited was in California. It was one that produced methane, but was also used as a nature reserve for species of birds and butterflies. I question why this landfill had no smell but the one we visited did. Perhaps after it is filled and has reached its full capacity, the smell will dissipate and the Sao Paulo landfill can serve some other purpose such as a nature reserve.

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